I came from a smaller town. A town named Facebook. I was quite the dude in my part of the world. People would like even the stupidest joke I wrote on my status, the silliest picture I'd share from one of the million pages that I had liked, the shortest comment I'd make on a picture/status... Yeah, they thought I was really cool.
I'd get about 7 messages everyday asking me to add them because my profile was awesome. They'd look for ways to get in touch with me.I'd call them wannabes. Then one day I packed my bags and moved ahead.. to the city where all the who's-who of the world resided- Twitter. There were times when you saw these celebs on the big screen, today I was tapping my keyboard and watching them respond to me on my laptop screen!
They knew me as the @BhookhaBhediya on the micro-blogging site. I'd tweet about everything under the sun. From cricket to condoms, books to boobs, philosophy to chemistry. Very soon, I had tons of followers. No doubt the females always had more no. of followers, I was catching up soon. One fine day @Bheegi_Billi followed me. Okay, another weird handle. I didn't take any note of her until one day she re-tweeted me.
"@BhookhaBhediya My gf and I broke-up over religious differences. She thought she was God. I didn't."
Pat came the reply from a certain @Bheegi_Billi "we broke up over animal right issues RT @BhookhaBhediya My gf and I broke-up over religious differences. She thought she was God. I didn't"
And then started a lame conversation. "@BhookhaBhediya Clearly you were the wild cat and he was a domesticated animal? @Bheegi_Billi."
@Bheegi_Billi well he was an animal, and I treated him like one. The animal rights group got offended! @BhookhaBhediya
Oh well, we tweeted, re-tweeted, favourited each other's tweets for the next 1 week. There were times when she DM-ed me about things we couldn't openly discuss, then we started #slytweets, group discussions, creating our own trends. From twitter, we came down to each other's FB profiles. She started liking my profile pictures one day, in turn I liked all her pictures, wall photos, albums, status messages and so on.
Clearly, she figured I had a lot of free time. We had a choice, we could either write messages to each other on FB or tweet. I don't know why, we never resorted to FB messages, not even wall posts. Twitter was where we'd see each other every day. Every minute. It felt like home every time she featured on my TL. My mentions page would start rolling faster than my TL every time she was around!
And then one day, I mustered the courage to tell her that I was attracted to her. I DM-ed her. "I don't know how you're goin to take this, but I'm addicted to you!"
I didn't want to tweet to her to check her DMs. I thought she'd assume I was going to be after her life. She suddenly tweeted "#FF @BhookhaBhediya only 10 more needed for 500."
OMG! She #FFed me? She had over 5200 followers. 7 of them actually followed! I realised I was a fool. She must have some 1000 people going gaga over her already. Why would she be interested in me?
And then she DM-ed. "I think I like you too :)"
It has been 3 minutes now. I'm still stuck on the DMs. Could this be the beginning of a tweet love story?
A Bhediya and a Billi, I just hope this doesn't end up with the animal rights people. ;)